Green Film Tourism - strona główna


Country: Poland

Region: Podkarpacie

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Lokacja główna

Description of the place

Chmiel is a village in the Bieszczady Mountains, in the Lutowiska municipality, located at the foot of the Otryt range. It used to be inhabited mainly by Greek Catholics, as evidenced by the historic St. Nicholas Church. The building of the Orthodox church was used as a film location by Jerzy Hoffman's crew in the film "Pan Wołodyjowski".
The village took a liking to writer, journalist, radio and film scriptwriter Jerzy Janicki, who bought a house in Chmiel in the 1980s and lived there in his spare time from his Warsaw duties. Here he wrote scripts and short stories, the plot of which was often linked to the Bieszczady Mountains. In nearby Zatwarnica there is a studio cinema Końkret, which in its regular repertoire has 3 films based on Janicki's scripts: "Wolna sobota", "Hasło", "Kino objazdowe".

A place in the movie

The building of the St. Nicholas Church was used by Jerzy Hoffman's team in the film "Pan Wołodyjowski", specifically in the scene of the Raszków fire. The building still stands today and serves as a branch church of the parish of St Michael the Archangel in Dwernik.

Chmiel Source: Wikimedia Commons


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