Green Film Tourism - strona główna


Country: Slovakia

Region: Presov Region

Source: Widok na Lewoczę, fot. Semu, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

Lokacja główna

Description of the place

Levoča is a county town located in northeastern Slovakia in the Prešov Region. Since 2009, the city of Levoča has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Levoča has retained the character of a medieval town thanks to its medieval walls and urban planning. Lots of monuments and artistic pearls make the city one of the most beautiful in Slovakia.

A place in the movie

The medieval city with its typical atmosphere attracted many filmmakers. In the movie "Jánošík" we hear the well-known phrase: "We will meet at the fair in Levoča." Several shots in the film come from places such as the inn in the town hall and among the stalls at the market in front of the town hall. The film about love among the blind "Slepé lásky" and the famous film "Organ" also come from Levoča. Scenes for the movie "Skrytý prameň" were shot at the northern entrance to St. Jakub in Lewoczy. Other famous films made in Levoča include "Adam Šangala", "Vták ohnivák", the film "Deti", but also the series "Čierne mesto". In 1962, the war film "Tam za lesom" was made in Lewoczy and its vicinity. The story of Františka and Dionýz from the important noble Andrássy family in the film "Vôľa a predstava manželov Andrássyovcov" also comes from this city. Documentary films about Master Paweł entitled "Majster Pavol z Levoče" are also important, in 2003 another documentary "Majster Pavol z Levoče" was made, then the document "Pocta Majstrovi", and in 2018 a series of documentary films "Po stopách Majstra Pavla" . The unique work of Karol Plicki was also recorded in the documentary film "Zem spieva", where he captured the beauty of folklore, traditions and folk customs. In 2006, Milan Milo made a documentary about the pilgrimage site entitled "Mariánska hora v Levoči", and Miro Damonson prepared the document "Tatry, Spiš, Pieniny". Slovak actress, sportswoman Gabika and Irish student Tom will stop in Levoča in the documentary "S tebou ma baví Slovensko".

Levoča Source: Widok na Lewoczę, fot. Semu, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons


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