Green Film Tourism - strona główna


Country: Poland

Region: Podkarpacie

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Lokacja główna

Description of the place

Lutowiska is a village on the edge of south-eastern Poland. The Lutowiska municipality borders Ukraine and Slovakia, half of its area is under the strict protection of the Bieszczady National Park. It covers the highest parts of the Polish Bieszczady Mountains and is a paradise for people who love mountain hiking. The area is 90% forested and inhabited by animals such as bears, wildcats, bison and wolves, among others. In the past, people of various nationalities lived here. For this reason, there is a large Jewish cemetery, Orthodox churches and remains of displaced villages in the area. Lutowiska attracts tourists not only with the beauty of the surroundings but also with interesting events - the annual horse fair, the Bison Day, dog sled races and the open-air Museum of Wood Coal Firing.

A place in the movie

On the Chodak hill overlooking Lutowiska, at the end of autumn 1967, the Little Knight's dacha - Chreptiów - was erected, where some scenes of the film ""Pan Wołodyjowski"" were set. J. Hoffman.and the TV series by Paweł Komorowski ""Przygody pana Michała"" - an extended version of the adventures of Wołodyjowski. Both productions were made at the same time, using the same props and starring the same actors. The film is the colour version, while the series is in black and white.
The now defunct Church of St Michael the Archangel can be seen in the 1976 film ''The Best in the World''. The boys are walking on a snowy hill, where this historic church is located. 
The TV series ''Wataha'' repeatedly features a drone shot of the tower of the church of St Stanislaus the Bishop in Lutowiska towering over the area.
Lutowiska Source: Wikimedia Commons


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