Green Film Tourism - strona główna


Country: Poland

Region: Podkarpacie

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Lokacja główna

Description of the place

A village in Poland located in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, in the Bieszczady Mountains, in Czarna Municipality. In the village there is a historic wooden Orthodox church of the Nativity of the Mother of God, included in the Subcarpathian Route of Wooden Architecture. Since 1971, the church has served as a Roman Catholic church. It is situated on a hill a short distance from the border with Ukraine.
Interesting fact - the village of Michniowiec is one of the oldest oil mining centres in the world, oil mines existed here before 1884.

A place in the movie

The charming Greek-Catholic church in Michniowiec hosted the creators of the TV series "Wataha", who shot exterior scenes for the final episode of the second season there. Rebrow's father turns out to be a pop, the host of the same church. He agrees to hide a Tatar woman from Crimea, Alsu Karimova, and her son Halid. 
Interestingly, on the screen we see the church in Michniowiec from the outside. The interior of the church was recorded in the Orthodox churches located on the grounds of the Folk Architecture Museum in Sanok (the Orthodox Church of Grąziowa and the Orthodox Church of Ropki).
Michniowec Source: Wikimedia Commons


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