Green Film Tourism - strona główna


Country: Poland

Region: Podkarpacie

Source: wikipedia

Lokacja główna

Description of the place

Odrzykoń is a village located in the Subcarpathian Province, about 6 km from Krosno, on the Wisłok River. There are ruins of the stone castle "Kamieniec", which today houses the Castle Museum, the Torture Hall and the ceramics workshop.
The story of the castle that was passed from one landlord to another inspired Aleksander Fredro to write the comedy "Zemsta" [Vengeance] in 1833. 

A place in the movie

In the 1980s, scenes for the historical TV series "Crimen" were filmed in Odrzykoń. The castle is the place of the robbers' nest for the Rosiński family. Staśko Rosiński abducts Miss. Wojnarowska from Sansk there. In several scenes, we see the courtyard of the castle, in others, the castle is shown as the background for riders heading for the castle.

Odrzykoń Source: wikipedia


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Odrzykoń, Kamieniec Castle

Poland Podkarpacie

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