Green Film Tourism - strona główna

Przemyśl, Greek Catholic Archcathedral

Country: Poland

Region: Podkarpacie

Location: Przemyśl

Coordinates: 49.7809, 22.7704

Source: Sobór św. Jana Chrzciciela w Przemyślu, fot. Аимаина хикари, CC0, Wikimedia Commons

Lokacja szczegółowa

A place in the movie

The Greek Catholic Archcathedral in Przemyśl can be seen in several films. In the series "Młody Piłsudski" ["Young Piłsudski”], the stairs in front of the archcathedral are the background for scenes in which the characters talk about political topics. In “Kronika wypadków miłosnych” [”A Chronicle of Amorous Accidents”], the cathedral, with its characteristic bell tower, is admired from Góra Zamkowa by Witek and Alina. We can see the interior of the cathedral in the film "Daleko od siebie" [”Far From the Other”]. When Marcin is looking for his son, he walks into the cathedral but unfortunately it is not Michał who is sitting in the pew, but someone very similar to him. 

Sobór św. Jana Chrzciciela w Przemyślu, fot. Аимаина хикари, CC0, Wikimedia Commons Source: Sobór św. Jana Chrzciciela w Przemyślu, fot. Аимаина хикари, CC0, Wikimedia Commons


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