Green Film Tourism - strona główna

Przemyśl, Zniesienie Hill

Country: Poland

Region: Podkarpacie

Location: Przemyśl

Coordinates: 49.7745, 22.7661

Source: Wikipedia Commons

Lokacja szczegółowa

A place in the movie

Zniesienie is a hill towering over Przemyśl, the name of which commemorates the defeat of the Tatars in this place. There is a vast panorama of the Sandomierz Basin and the Sańsko-Dniestrzański Plateau, as well as the Sanocko-Turczańskie Mountains and the Przemyśl Foothills in the Carpathians. 
In “Kronika wypadków miłosnych”, truants Witek and Alina go to the Zniesienie hill and admire the magnificent panorama of the area, dominated by the cathedral's belfry.
The film "Skrzydła" contains a scene in which Piotrek and Ewka and the accompanying dog walk across the clearing in Zniesienie and joyfully run down the meadow towards the city. In the background, you can see the characteristic dome of the Carmelite Church, which was pulled down in 1996.
"Zawiłości uczuć" is a wonderful picture of Przemyśl and the people living there. Marek, one of the film's protagonists, starts his paragliding flight here. From his perspective, we can see the beautiful buildings of Przemyśl, especially the Kazimierzowski Castle, the Cathedral, the Market Square and the Old Town.
Zniesienie is home to a large butterfly population called mountain Alcon blue, an insect with a unique cycle of reproduction and development. Its larvae are looked after by common red ants. The famous British biologist David Attenborough spoke about this species dependence from the Zniesienie hill in the BBC program "Life in the Undergrowth".


Wikipedia Commons Source: Wikipedia Commons


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