Green Film Tourism - strona główna


Country: Poland

Region: Podkarpacie

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Lokacja główna

Description of the place

Rosolin is a now defunct village on the Czarny stream, near the village of Polana. After 1945 the inhabitants were displaced and the village destroyed. Only the church of St. Onufry survived, which was moved to the open-air museum in Sanok in 1957 (as the first object demolished in the area). Nowadays, Rosolin is known thanks to a cave located in a picturesque bend of the Czarny potok, at the foot of an impressive high rock.

A place in the movie

Scenes for the TV series "Wataha" were filmed in the cave in Rosolin and on the Black Creek. In season 2, Rebrov returns to his childhood in his dreams, the cave being the playground of three friends: Viktor Rebrov, Adam Grzywaczewski and Ewa Siva. Looking for the missing Eve, Rebrov goes to this cave. The film includes beautiful shots shot inside the cave, but also showing the Black Creek that gouged it and shots of the huge rock where the cave is located. The surroundings of the cave will also be recognised in the series in another episode, in the winter version.

Rosolin Source: Wikimedia Commons


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Rosolin, Jahybta Cave

Poland Podkarpacie

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