Green Film Tourism - strona główna

Sine Wiry, rezerwat

Country: Poland

Region: Podkarpacie

Location: Sine Wiry

Coordinates: 49.2596, 22.4278

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Lokacja szczegółowa

A place in the movie

In the latest episode, episode 6. Season 1 of the TV series "Wataha", Rebrov is accused of murdering his colleague, guard Natalia Tatarkiewicz. He confesses to the murder because he has a plan and manages to carry it out - he escapes the Prosecutor's Office staff during a site inspection. He takes advantage of his knowledge of the terrain and crosses forests and streams, jumps over rocky thresholds on the river, at one point jumps into the water and moves with the current so as to lose the pursuit. The scenes with Rebrov against the backdrop of the river gorge were shot in the Sine Wiry nature reserve.

Wikimedia Commons Source: Wikimedia Commons


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Poland Podkarpacie

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