Green Film Tourism - strona główna

Spis Castle, bailey

Country: Slovakia

Region: Košice Region

Location: Spis Castle

Coordinates: 48.9982, 20.7710

Source: Pohľad na stredné a dolné nádvorie zrúcaniny Spišského hradu, autor: Joxy, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

Lokacja szczegółowa

A place in the movie

The castle can be seen from afar in several scenes where you can see the castle walls from the outside and fully admire the grandeur of the castle. Specifically in the fairy tale „Radúz and Mahulen” it is a scene in which Mahulen goes to free Raduz chained to a rock. This scene offers an extraordinary view of the castle. In the adventure movie "Dragonheart" you can see many views of the castle plays Castle Camelot.

Pohľad na stredné a dolné nádvorie zrúcaniny Spišského hradu, autor: Joxy, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons Source: Pohľad na stredné a dolné nádvorie zrúcaniny Spišského hradu, autor: Joxy, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons


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Spis Castle

Slovakia Košice Region

Spis Castle, at the castle

Slovakia Košice Region

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Radúz and Mahulena


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Slovakia Košice Region


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