Green Film Tourism - strona główna


Country: Poland

Region: Podkarpacie

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Lokacja główna

Description of the place

Tworylne used to be a lively village, but today it is a desolate place with relics of its former glory - a manor house, an Orthodox church, a chapel and mills stood here in the past. Tworylne - just like the neighbouring Krywe - was inhabited by people called by the neighbours "hucuły" or "hyrniaky", mainly engaged in shepherding. After 1939, the village was divided by the German-Soviet border running along the San River. The Germans then built a watchtower, while a Soviet watchtower was built on the opposite side. Remnants in the form of a staircase and a solid cellar have survived to this day. In 1946, the population was displaced and the buildings of Tworylne were destroyed, including the church.

A place in the movie

The picturesque and extensive valley in 1958 attracted with its charm the makers of the film "Texas Ranch", called the first Polish eastern, a western-style film set in the eastern lands. A wooden structure - the eponymous Texas ranch - was built in the Tworylne valley for the film.

Tworylne Source: Wikimedia Commons


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