Green Film Tourism - strona główna


Country: Poland

Region: Podkarpacie

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Lokacja główna

Description of the place

Zagórz is a town in the district of Sanok located near the mouth of the river Osławica to the San. It is a convenient and picturesque place to start a journey in the Bieszczady Mountains. It is home to the monumental ruins of the Carmelite fortress - towering over the area surrounded by a bend in the Osławica River. Zagórz was an important railway junction after a railway ran through the town in the second half of the 18th century (lines: Przemyśl - Budapest and Kraków - Lviv). Railway carriages were manufactured in the town, and during the war Zagórz railwaymen built two armoured trains on their own. 

A place in the movie

Due to its developed railway infrastructure and picturesque location, Zagórz was shown in the film with a "railway" theme - Scenes from the film "Ogniomistrz Kaleń" by Ewa and Czesław Petelski were filmed in the local open air in the square in front of the guardhouse of the Railway Protection Guard, near the Zagórz railway station. 

Zagórz Source: Wikimedia Commons


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Zagórz, dworzec kolejowy

Poland Podkarpacie

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