Green Film Tourism - strona główna

9 and 12.07.2021 | The impact of cinematography (films and series) on the promotion of the tourist, cultural, natural and economic potential of film locations - Summary of the workshop in the form of a public consultation


The workshop took place on 9 and 12 July 2021 in an online format on the clickmeeting platform. The topic of the consultation was the impact of cinematography (films and TV series) on the promotion of the tourist, cultural, natural and economic potential of film locations, and their aim was to discuss, share knowledge and suggestions so that the GreenFilmTourism project could present Malopolska as fully as possible in this context.

The workshops were prepared in such a way that participants could take new inspiration from them. In addition to the team from MCK SOKÓŁ, which is implementing the project, they were also attended by a great film enthusiast, the creator of numerous documentaries and feature films, many of which were inspired by the characters and historical plots of the region in which he lives. We are talking about Bogdan Miszczak, who told us how he became a film producer, what obstacles he encountered and still encounters in his filmmaking activities and how he overcomes them.

The group covered by the workshop included persons responsible for the promotion of municipalities and districts, guides, employees of cultural departments and institutions, tourist information centres, etc. Another group included activists from NGOs, local action groups and local authorities. 


  • Logotyp - ARR
  • Logotyp - rarr
  • Logotyp - wdk
  • Logotyp - pkf
  • Logotyp - mck sokół
  • Logotyp - RPIC Presov
  • Logotyp - IPC
  • Logotyp - Bielsko-Biała
  • Logotyp - podkarpackie
  • Logotyp - Rzeszów
  • Logotyp - Małopolska
  • Logotyp - Herb kraju preszowskiego
  • Logotyp - Herb kraju żylińskiego
  • Logotyp - Herb kraju koszyckiego

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