Green Film Tourism - strona główna


Country: Poland

Region: Podkarpacie

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Lokacja główna

Description of the place

Muczne is a small village in the Bieszczady Mountains, situated at the foot of Bukowe Brod. On one of the surrounding hills - Jeleniowaty - there is a wooden tower, which offers a magnificent view of the surroundings. In the past, Muczne was a closed enclave for prominent hunters, a hunting centre with a hotel and wooden villas functioned here. Since 2012, there has been a bison show enclosure in Muczny and another attraction is the beaver lodge.

A place in the movie

In the vicinity of Muczny, at the Pichury lookout point, the creators of "Wataha" placed a hut, in which Rebrow was hiding in the 2nd season of the series. After the shooting was completed, the dummy hut remained as a tourist attraction.

Muczne Source: Wikimedia Commons


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Upadła królowa bieszczadzkiego lasu

Poland Podkarpacie


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