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Barbora's naked girl and the treasure of Bardejov

Country: Slovakia

Region: Presov Region

Type of inspiration: Legends

Wikimedia Commons Source: Wikimedia Commons


There is a legend associated with the town of Bardejov about a naked girl named Barbora (Baśka), who wanders the town at night in search of her lost dress. 
A rich merchant, the bad man Drégely, came to town. He was tall, with a swaying gait, thick, strong arms, raven-black hair, a large nose and black eyes with a sharp look that few dared to look into. It was better to live well with him. At the time, there was a beautiful young girl called Baśka living in the city, to whom Drégely fell in love. He went to her parents and asked them if Baśka would go to serve him. Her parents were not very willing, considering him to be a bad man, but in the end they allowed for a bag of ducats. When the girl entered service with him, he began to have some intentions towards her. At first he imposed on her, bought her a honeypot at the fair, gave her a handkerchief or gave her something more for her services. But he could not buy her heart. The ducats and all his wealth went to waste, he did not win her favour. Once longer he kept her at work. He had thought things through well; he did not want to wait any longer for Baśka to submit to him. He was not used to waiting. He called her into the chamber and asked her directly if she would marry him. But he did not get the answer he wanted. He grabbed her hand and dragged her downstairs to the cellar. In a dark space illuminated only by a candle, he showed her gold, silver, jewels, expensive stones in chests. He promised her all this if she would marry him. Baśka was not like the other women in the city he was used to. He didn't even win her over with this. Drégely was so furious that he could not control himself and with his strong hand slammed into Baska until she fell to the ground. She quickly got up and ran down the stairs precariously out of the cellar. Drégely caught up with her, full of anger and rage, shouting after her that she would be his whether she wanted it or not. He grabbed her and lifted her until her feet were dangling above the ground. He immediately tore off her clothes. Baśka, full of fear, paid no attention to the fact that she was naked. She ran out into the huge courtyard towards the gate leading to the square. Drégely, looking at this beautiful girl running away as God had created her, realised that he had to act in such a way that she would not accuse him of trying to dishonour her. He woke up the sleeping farmhands and others and shouted that she was a witch. A witch who drives men away from women. Baśka was caught, bound, her mouth gagged and put in the executioner's cell. The next day she was sentenced to death as a witch and burned.
Since then, on the day of her disgrace, the first Wednesday in June, she walks around the square at midnight looking for her lost dress. She believes that if she finds it, she will prove her innocence to everyone and her soul can rest in peace. Legend has it that if someone meets her then and gives her the dress to wear, she will in return show him the place where the rich Drégely hid his treasure.
Wikimedia Commons Source: Wikimedia Commons

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Slovakia Presov Region


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