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Folk customs and architecture of Cicmany

Country: Slovakia

Region: Žilina Region

Type of inspiration: Cultural customs

Wikimedia Commons Source: Wikimedia Commons


Most of the customs from this region of Slovakia are linked to the winter season, which in the village was associated with a period of relative peace on the homestead, so there was room for the development of customs related to births, weddings and deaths. 
In the past, it was quite natural for women to give birth at home, which involved certain customs, such as placing the baby on a fur coat after birth so that it would have wavy hair. Boys were usually given a book and a pen so that they would have no trouble learning to read and write, and in some families, work tools such as pliers and a hammer so that the boy could easily learn a trade. The girls, on the other hand, were very carefully inserted with a needle in a wooden trough when they took their first bath, believing that this would make them skilled in embroidery. 
At weddings, great emphasis was placed on the bride's dowry, which was carried with great glory and pomp from the bride's house to the groom's house. Of course, in this region, customs were observed during the wedding to ensure the health, happiness and fertility of the young couple. 
The circle of life naturally includes death and the associated funeral, which was usually attended by the whole village, regardless of family ties. Women were buried with a prayer book and a rosary, while for men it was usually tobacco, a coin, a pipe, a handkerchief and a stick. In the house of the deceased there was no lack of a lit candle, which was placed on a wooden log, the clock was stopped, mirrors were covered, and the window was opened to allow the soul of the deceased to leave the house. 
There was merriment in the village on Barbara, Lucia and St. Nicholas Day, as the youngsters engaged in rounds of games. 
In addition, there is a museum exhibition in Čičmany, which presents the occupations, folk dress and folk art of the inhabitants of Čičmany. White dominates the local folk costume, which is made of linen fibre and cloth and is richly decorated with embroidery, lace and wool cord appliqué. Last but not least, the log houses with white geometric ornaments, which are found mainly at the lower end of the village and which document the everyday and festive life of the inhabitants of the village, their family habits and housing, are an essential part of Čičman.
Wikimedia Commons Source: Wikimedia Commons


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