Green Film Tourism - strona główna


Country: Poland

Region: Silesia

Type of inspiration: Cultural customs


Unique practices determined by pastoral farming were cultivated in the Beskydy. The spring period was associated with an increase in sheepherding activity. Flocks of animals were led out to the mountain pastures, where they stayed throughout the summer period. The initiating moment for this event was the custom of miyszania łowiec combined with redyk, i.e. the gathering of the sheep from the farmers into one flock and their ceremonial leading out to the mountain pastures. At this time, the details of the distribution of cheese and the costs of shepherding the sheep together were agreed between the shepherd and the sheep owners. The riddyke, depending on the weather, took place between 25 April and 25 May.
At the end of the rhedyk, there was communal music and dancing. The musicians played traditional instruments: gajdas and fiddles. 
The Salashniks believed in numerous superstitions. They believed that misfortune could befall the whole flock if a black sheep walked at the end of the flock. In the event that a woman crossed the path of the flock, shepherds or shalashniks as they ascended the mountain, they had to return by another route.

Edited by ARR S.A. | Silesia

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Poland Silesia


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