Green Film Tourism - strona główna

The legend of the origins of Wisła

Country: Poland

Region: Silesia

Type of inspiration: Legends


Once upon a time, among the mountain peaks, there rose the castle of the mountain king Beskid and his wife Borana. When the day came for the old king to die, his wife summoned her three children to divide power between them.
Lan was given dominion over the fields and meadows, while Białka and Czarnucha were to look after the water. 
The girls set off ahead, but their path was blocked by a huge rock under which the knight Czantor stood. He suggested that instead of sailing to distant lands, they should stay where they were and here disperse the water so that the valley would blossom with thousands of colourful flowers, and send out one wave called "Wyszła", which would return with news of distant lands.
The Howl flowed across the plains, passing forests and fields. Along the way, she was joined by smaller rivers and streams, and the Howl spread its waters wider and wider. Finally, the horizon appeared to her eyes, and the sound of the sea waves drew her into the Baltic Sea. 
Years later, two rivers - the White and the Black Vistula - were named after the sisters and merged into one river - the Vistula.

Edited by ARR S.A. | Silesia

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Poland Silesia


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  • Logotyp - RPIC Presov
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  • Logotyp - Rzeszów
  • Logotyp - Małopolska
  • Logotyp - Herb kraju preszowskiego
  • Logotyp - Herb kraju żylińskiego
  • Logotyp - Herb kraju koszyckiego

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