Green Film Tourism - strona główna

The legendary story of Spiš Sodom and Gomorrah

Country: Slovakia

Region: Košice Region

Type of inspiration: Legends

Robert Jahoda, CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: Robert Jahoda, CC BY-SA 4.0


The region of Spiš is shrouded in legends, in the footsteps of which enthusiastic tourists can follow when exploring this beautiful region. Many of them are related to the history of the region, but there are also legends with a biblical motif. In the 13th century there was a village called Miloj near Spišský Hrhov. Today, all that remains of it is a mysterious church tower that rises in the middle of a field.
Terra Miloy, as the village was called at the time, was a medieval settlement that was donated by King Belo IV to a landowner named Konrád. He married into the family of one of the most prominent families in Spiš and together with his wife, they took care of the establishment of the Milay family (derived from the name of the village).
Konrád improved the village and built a church dedicated to St. Stanislaus on the hill above Miloy. It was a precise stonework and its tower has been preserved to this day. But what happened to the rest of the village?
Legend has it that the whole village went to hell. It is said to be a kind of Sodom and Gomorrah of the Spiš region. The villagers supposedly couldn't fit in, fathers fornicated with their daughters, mothers with their sons. They lived sinful lives and did not attend to prayers. God couldn't stand to see it anymore, so one day when they all went to bed, he sent everyone, including their houses and animals, to hell. As a sign that they needed to live according to God's rules, He left the church steeple standing.
The tower can be found on the way from Spišská Nová Ves and is a popular spot for photographers and mystery hunters.
Robert Jahoda, CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: Robert Jahoda, CC BY-SA 4.0


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