Green Film Tourism - strona główna

30.06.2023 I Summary of the participatory process


30.06.2023 I Summary of the participatory process

We invite you to read the report of the public consultation, the aim of which was to provide an opportunity for local authorities, the film and creative industries, tourism organisations, cultural institutions and residents to express their opinions on the project, as well as to submit comments, observations and ideas.

The possibility of consultation stems from the Handbook of the INTERREG Programme Poland-Slovakia 2021-2027 chapter 2.5 Participation in order to use the effects of the project so far and actively involve stakeholders in the preparation process, their participation and influence on the activities that concern them (directly or indirectly).

The comments, opinions and reviews made during the public consultations made it possible to refine the provisions of the grant application in such a way that the widest possible part of society identifies with the project and participates in its implementation.

Information on the Project Partners' websites:

- Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. w Bielsku-Białaj

- Regionálne poradenské a informačné centrum Prešov   

- Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A.                 

- OZ Red Popcorn, Čadca        

Inovačné partnerské centrum, Prešov       

Małopolskie Centrum Kultury SOKÓŁ w Nowym Sączu   

Pliki do pobrania


  • Logotyp - ARR
  • Logotyp - rarr
  • Logotyp - wdk
  • Logotyp - pkf
  • Logotyp - mck sokół
  • Logotyp - RPIC Presov
  • Logotyp - IPC
  • Logotyp - Bielsko-Biała
  • Logotyp - podkarpackie
  • Logotyp - Rzeszów
  • Logotyp - Małopolska
  • Logotyp - Herb kraju preszowskiego
  • Logotyp - Herb kraju żylińskiego
  • Logotyp - Herb kraju koszyckiego

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