Green Film Tourism - strona główna

Cieszyn, The Three Brothers Well

Country: Poland

Region: Silesia

Location: Cieszyn

Coordinates: 49.7486, 18.6310

Source: Cieszyn, Studnia Trzech Braci, fot. Paulina Daczkowska, ARR SA

Lokacja szczegółowa

A place in the movie

The Three Brothers Well, mentioned in the legend about the origins of Cieszyn, was shown in the film "Wszystkie kobiety Mateusza" [”All Mateusz's Women”]. The location is the background for scenes presenting the city's modernist architecture, where short shots also show the steep cobbled street Trzech Braci Street in Cieszyn.

Cieszyn, Studnia Trzech Braci, fot. Paulina Daczkowska, ARR SA Source: Cieszyn, Studnia Trzech Braci, fot. Paulina Daczkowska, ARR SA


Edited by ARR S.A. | Silesia

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