Green Film Tourism - strona główna


Country: Slovakia

Region: Žilina Region

Source: Toto médium zobrazuje chránenú pamiatku s číslom NKP 510-2050/0 v Slovenskej republike, Szeder László, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons

Lokacja główna

Description of the place

The town is situated in the northern part of the Orava Upland, in the Orava river valley, at the confluence of the Zimny Potok stream. Both in the past and today, an important road is located here that connects individual regions. In the past, the Orava River Valley was an ancient route from Central Europe to the Baltic States, so it was expected that significant archaeological sites would be found in this area or the vicinity of the village.

A place in the movie

The well-preserved traditional architecture of the village was the main reason for its recognition in 1977 as the Historic Folk Architecture Reserve, which still attracts many tourists today. The filmmakers chose a part of the village of Podbiel with its wooden houses and the railway station as filming locations, and they also took interest in the vicinity of Podbiel, where the technical monument of Františkov's steelworks is located.

Podbiel Source: Toto médium zobrazuje chránenú pamiatku s číslom NKP 510-2050/0 v Slovenskej republike, Szeder László, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons


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Discover films related to this area

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Perinbaba: Two Realms


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The Living Scourge

dir. Marek Ťapák

Meet the people related to this area

Jozef Kroner


Marek Ťapák

director, actor, dancer and choreographer


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