Green Film Tourism - strona główna

Súľov Rocks

Country: Slovakia

Region: Žilina Region

Location: Súľov

Coordinates: 49.1689, 18.5766

Source: Sulovske skaly, fot. Juloml, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Lokacja szczegółowa

A place in the movie

"Kočky neberem"

The area of the Sulowska Basin, and especially the majestic Sulowskie Hills, attract filmmakers not only from Slovakia. The scene where the boys are walking next to the rocks was filmed on the road from Jablonové to Súľov. Today, the area around the road is no longer maintained, densely overgrown, and the growth is obscured by the view of Sulowskie Rocks, which can be seen in the film.

"Pacho, krzyżský zbojník"

The area of the Sulowska Basin, and especially the majestic Sulowskie Hills, also appeared on the shot, where Pacho sang the song "Na Kráľovej holi ..." on his way home. The shot showing the rock mass is on the road from Jablonové to Súľov.

„Marco Polo”

The beautiful Sulowska Basin surrounded by the Sulowskie Hills, which is a sought-after tourist area with lots of natural and historical attractions, also attracts foreign filmmakers. The American adventure series "Marco Polo" was also filmed in the area of the Sulowskie Hills.

Sulovske skaly, fot. Juloml, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons Source: Sulovske skaly, fot. Juloml, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons


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Slovakia Žilina Region

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Pacho, the Thief of Hybe

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